Probably the most important thing I ask my clients is "How do you want to feel? How do you want to feel in five or ten years time? How do you want to feel next year, this summer, next week, tomorrow?" It's seems like an innocuous question, but it's an incredibly important starting point. It feeds right into the core of why we want or need to make lifestyle changes, why we want to get back control over who we are, why we do or don't do the things that make us feel good, why we eat or don't eat the things that make us feel good. Asking that question and reflecting on our answers gives us the best shot at avoiding lifestyle diseases, of living well. FUNCTIONAL IMAGERY TRAINING focuses on how we want to feel and WHY we want to feel a certain way, and for most of us, the answer is, I want to feel good. Why? I want to live well, live long, feel confident, have energy for my professional life, my children, my grand kids, sleep well etc. So, why wait? How you want to feel tomorrow starts today!
